Stillwater Riverfront

“Our ancestors had to work hard for their food . . .”
… and to say they were skilled is an understatement. Each meal involved some combination of gathering, hunting, fishing, farming, harvesting, drying, cooking, and all of the tasks and obstacles that go along with those processes. Since so much of the food-production methods were extremely time-consuming and strenuous, it is no wonder our ancestors were more in tune with their food, more appreciative of it, and ultimately, more healthy. The more in shape you were, the more adept you would be at procuring food for your family and community. If more of our people today could return to this type of relationship with food and even readopt some of these food-preparation methods, our communities would become healthier.”
This place is on the traditional territory of the Wahpekute and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ nations. (Crowdsourced info compiled by Please visit the nations’ websites to learn more.) We support indigenous land rights and the Land Back movement.

A regional man of mystery enjoying parks, trails, and other stuff around the great state of Minnesota!